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Australia Technology Investment Roadmap
(기술 투자 로드맵)


Ministerial foreword 3
Development of the Technology Investment Roadmap 4
Roadmap governance and engagement structure 5
Executive summary 7
A technology investment roadmap 11
Stage 1: Setting a clear vision 13
Stage 2: Survey of new and emerging technologies 14
Stage 3: Australia’s technological needs and comparative advantage 20
Stage 4: Identifying priority technologies 32
Stage 5: Identifying most efficient deployment pathways and setting economic
goals for key technologies 34
Stage 6: Balancing overall investment portfolio 36
Stage 7: Implementing investments (institutional structure) 38
Stage 8: Assessing the impact of technology investments 39
Global technology trends and priorities 41
Building a technology partnership 43
Glossary of selected technical terms 45
Reference list 47
Appendix A: List of all technologies surveyed 49
Appendix B: Technology analysis by sector 53
Appendix C: Technology Readiness Level and Commercial Readiness Index 70



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