Introduction 5
Objectives and implementation 6
A new holistic approach 7
The approach of Swedish trade and investment promotion 8
1. Objective: Strengthening Sweden’s competitiveness and improving conditions for trade, investments and innovation 11
1.1 A competitive EU and a well-functioning Single Market 12
1.2 Free, sustainable and rules-based world trade with fewer trade barriers 13
1.3 Improved conditions for innovative businesses to grow in Sweden and through internationalisation 14
1.4 Better conditions to attract international skills 17
1.5 Improved business climate for investments 18
2. Objective: Increasing exports and presence of Swedish businesses in international markets 21
2.1 More effective support for exports and internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises. 22
2.2 Focus on support to Ukraine 24
2.3 A new and long-term promotion initiative in Asia 25
2.4 Improved Team Sweden cooperation for greater impact 26
2.5 More effective use of delegation visits and incoming visits 27
2.6 Development of promotion activities at missions abroad 28
2.7 Enhanced support for risk management and regulatory compliance 28
2.8 Export financing as a strategic tool in export promotion 29
3. Objective: Strengthening Sweden’s position globally as a prioritised partner for green and digital transition 31
3.1 An image of Sweden that communicates partnership 32
3.2 Increased coordination and better synergies between trade policy, trade promotion and development cooperation 34
3.3 Better prospects for Swedish businesses to utilise funds from the EU and other international institutions 36
4. Implementation, results reporting, monitoring and evaluation 37
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Strategy for Sweden’s trade, investment and global competitiveness
(스웨덴 무역, 투자 및 글로벌 경쟁력을 위한 전략)