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WHO’s response to COVID-19 - 2021 Annual Report
(COVID-19에 대한 WHO의 대응 - 2021 연례 보고서)


Foreword 1

About this report 2

2021 Situation overview 3

Strong outbreak surveillance systems 5
 Building sustainable national laboratory systems in Europe 8
 Improving access to testing in Afghanistan 9

Empowered, engaged, and enabled communities 10
 Strengthening partnerships with faith networks 13
 Empowering resilient communities in Syria 14
 Strengthening community partnerships in Kenya 15

Equitable access to tests, treatments, and essential supplies 16
 Spotlight on vaccines 19
 Ensuring no one is left behind delivering vaccines in Cox's Bazar 22

Resilient health systems 23
 Ensuring a trained and protected workforce in the Americas 27
 Strengthening referral pathways in the Western Pacific 28

Preventing and Responding to Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment ( PRSEAH ) 29

Looking ahead : 2022 and beyond 30

Annexes 31
 Annex 1. Overview of SPRP monitoring and evaluation 31
 Annex 2. Financial contributions 33


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