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Nuclear weapons at a glance : North Korea
(한눈에보는 핵무기 : 북한)


Title page


Summary 4

1. Nuclear Status 5

2. Nuclear doctrine 6

3. Nuclear arms control agreements 7

3.1. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) 7

3.2. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) 7

3.3. Denuclearisation talks 7

Six-party talks 8

UN Security Council resolutions and sanctions 8

US-North Korea summit talks (2018-2019) 9

Prospect of future talks? 10

4. Nuclear capabilities 13

4.1. Nuclear testing programme 13

Preparations for a seventh nuclear test? 14

4.2. Nuclear stockpile 15

Recent assessments 16

Has miniaturisation been achieved? 17

Tactical nuclear warheads? 18

4.3. Ballistic missile programme 19

Short and medium-range ballistic missiles 19

Intermediate-range ballistic missiles 20

ICBM development programme 21

Hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV) 24

Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) 25


Box 1. Suggested reading 26


#북한핵무기 # 핵무기 # 핵미사일 # 북한ICBM
