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North Korea : legislative basis for U.S. economic sanctions
(북한 : 미국 경제제재의 법적 근거)


Title page


Summary 2

Background 5

U.S. Economic Sanctions Currently in Place 9

Trade 11

National Emergency Because of Threat to U.S. National Security 11

Terrorism 13

Nonmarket Economy 14

Proliferator 14

Access to Landing or Ports 15

Aid 16

International Terrorism, Human Rights 16

Nonmarket Economy 17

Arms Sales and Arms Transfers 18

Access to Assets 19

Declaration of National Emergency 19

Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction 21

Counterfeiting and Money-Laundering 22

Access to the U.S. Financial System 22

Money Laundering Concern Determined in 2016 22

Other Actions Related to Money Laundering 23

Targeting Foreign Financial Institutions 23

Sanctions Required by the United Nations 24

Veto in the Security Council 30

Concluding Observations 31

Appendix A. North Korea-Economic Sanctions Currently Imposed in Furtherance of U.S. Foreign Policy or National Security Objectives 33

Appendix B. DPRK Sanctions: Comparison of U.N. Security Council Requirements and U.S. Sanctions 51

Author Information 69

Disclaimer 69

Table 1. U.N. Security Council Sanctions Requirements for North Korea Activities 25


#북미관계 # 대북정책 # 대북전략 # 경제제재
