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Lawmaking at the WHO: Amendments to the International Health Regulations and a New Pandemic Treaty After COVID-19
(WHO의 입법: COVID-19 이후 국제 보건 규정 및 새로운 전염병 조약 개정)


1. The role of international law in pandemic prevention, prepared­ness and response
1.1. Pandemic Treaty and Inter­national Health Regulations: The Road to Adoption
1.2. Towards a new pandemic treaty
1.3. Amending the IHR (2005)

2. Minding pitfalls ahead
2.1. The equity debacle in pandemics
2.2. Remove political barriers to pandemic-related data collection

3. After COVID-19: Making the most out of international law

4. Outlook


#코로나19 #국제보건 #전염병 #팬데믹


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Lawmaking at the WHO: Amendments to the International Health Regulations and a New Pandemic Treaty After COVID-19

(WHO의 입법: COVID-19 이후 국제 보건 규정 및 새로운 전염병 조약 개정)