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Expulsion of Members of Congress: Legal Authority and Historical Practice
(미 의회의 의원 제명: 법적 권한 및 역사적 관행)


Distinguishing Expulsion and Exclusion 1
Constitutional Understandings of the Expulsion Power 2
 Text of the Constitution 3
 Historical Background 3
 Judicial Interpretations of the Expulsion Clause 5
 Possible External Constitutional Limitations 7
Historical Practice Related to Grounds for Expulsion 8
 Instances of Expulsion of Members of Congress for Misconduct That Occurred While in Office 9
 Misconduct Occurring Prior to Election or Reelection as Potential Grounds for Expulsion 11
  Expulsion for Prior Misconduct in the House 14
  Expulsion for Prior Misconduct in the Senate 16 
Conclusion 19


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Expulsion of Members of Congress: Legal Authority and Historical Practice

(미 의회의 의원 제명: 법적 권한 및 역사적 관행)