Title page
Acknowledgments 4
Abstract 5
Resume 6
1. Introduction 9
2. Launching Pads for Employment and Entrepreneurship in Spain 12
What is it about? 12
In detail 13
Results 16
Conclusion: why is the approach promising? 17
3. The Ohjaamo one-stop-shops in Finland 18
What is it about? 18
In detail 18
Results 22
Conclusion: why is the approach promising? 23
4. In-placement Foundations (Implacementstiftungen) in Austria 24
What is it about? 24
In detail 24
Results 26
Conclusion: why is the approach promising? 26
5. The Munich Employment and Qualification Programme in Germany 27
What is it about? 27
In detail 28
Results 30
Conclusion: why is the approach promising? 31
6. The Fit-4-Work project in the Netherlands 32
What is it about? 32
In detail 33
Results 34
Conclusion: why is the approach promising? 35
Conclusion 36
References 37
Table 1.1. The approaches address long-term unemployment from various angles 10
Table 2.1. Costs for a Launching Pad 13
Figure 1.1. Long-term unemployment remains a major concern in many countries 9
Figure 2.1. Timeline for a Launching Pad for Employment and Entrepreneurship 15
Figure 3.1. Youth services are the most common services offered in Ohjaamo Centres 20