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Understanding international measures of health spending : age-adjusting expenditure on health
(의료비 지출에 대한 국제적 측정 이해 : 의료비 지출의 연령 조정)


Title page


OECD Health Working papers 3

Acknowledgements 4

Executive Summary 5

Resume 7

1. Introduction 12

2. Age and health spending: a selected review of national and international studies 14

3. Data sources and methods used to adjust health spending for age 19

3.1. Applying a basic adjustment methodology 20

3.2. Using indirect and direct standardisation approaches 21

3.3. Current availability of health expenditure data disaggregated by age 25

4. Results of age-adjusting health spending 29

4.1. Basic adjustment of health expenditures 29

4.2. Indirect standardisation of health expenditures 30

4.3. Direct standardisation of health expenditures 33

5. Conclusion 36

Bibliography 38

Annex A. Data Sources 41

Annex B. OECD standard population and population pyramids for selected countries 43

Annex C. Per capita spending by age group, 2018 46

OECD Health Working Papers 47

Recent related OECD publications 48

Table 2.1. Health expenditures by provinces and territories in Canada, 2011 18

Table 3.1. Observed health spending in country A and B 22

Table 3.2. Indirect standardisation 22

Table 3.3. Observed health spending in country A and B 24

Table 3.4. External standard population 24

Table 3.5. Direct standardisation of health spending using an external standard population 24

Table 3.6. Advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect standardisation 25

Table 4.1. Indirect age-standardised ratios of observed to expected health spending 32

Figure 2.1. Per Capita Healthcare Spending by Age Groups in 8 High-Income Countries in 2015 15

Figure 3.1. Share of the population older than 65 years in 2018(원문불량) 21

Figure 3.2. Age-spending profiles for selected OECD countries (variable year) 27

Figure 4.1. Per capita healthcare expenditures, 2018 - unadjusted 29

Figure 4.2. Per capita healthcare expenditures, 2018 - adjusted using share of population 65+ 30

Figure 4.3. 'OECD' age-spending profile to apply indirect standardisation 31

Figure 4.4. Per capita healthcare expenditures, 2018 - indirect standardisation 33

Figure 4.5. Per capita healthcare expenditures, 2018 - direct standardisation 34

Figure 4.6. Per capita health spending in the Netherlands, 2003 to 2017 35


Box 3.1. Three approaches for adjusting health spending according to population age structure 20

Box 3.2. Hypothetical example of indirect standardisation of health spending 22

Box 3.3. Standard populations in OECD Health Statistics 23

Box 3.4. Hypothetical example for the direct standardisation of health spending 24

Box 3.5. Health Expenditures by Diseases and Conditions (HEDIC) survey 26

Box 4.1. Direct standardisation of health expenditure over time 35

Annex Tables

Table A.A.1. Data Sources and coverage by country 41

Table A.B.1. OECD standard population, 2015 43

Table A.C.1. Per capita spending by age group in USD 2018 PPP 46

Annex Figures

Figure A.B.1. Population pyramids for Israel and selected OECD countries, 2018 44


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