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Solid waste diversion and disposal : Canadian environmental sustainability indicators
(고형 폐기물 전환 및 처리 : 캐나다 환경 지속가능성 지표)


Title page


National solid waste diversion and disposal 5

Key results 5

Solid waste diversion and disposal per person 6

Solid waste diversion and disposal per person by jurisdiction 7

Solid waste diversion rate 9

Solid waste diversion rate by jurisdiction 9

Solid waste diversion by type of material 11

About the indicators 12

What the indicators measure 12

Why these indicators are important 12

Related initiatives 12

Related indicators 12

Data sources and methods 13

Data sources 13

Methods 13

Recent changes 13

Caveats and limitations 13

Resources 14

References 14

Related information 14

Annex A. Data tables for the figures presented in this document 15

Figure 1. Solid waste diversion and disposal, Canada, 2002 to 2020 5

Figure 2. Solid waste diversion and disposal per person, Canada, 2002 to 2020 7

Figure 3. Solid waste diversion and disposal per person, by jurisdiction, Canada, 2020 8

Figure 4. Solid waste diversion rate by source, Canada, 2002 to 2020 9

Figure 5. Solid waste diversion rate from all sources by jurisdiction, Canada, 2002 and 2020 10

Figure 6. Solid waste diversion by type of material, Canada, 2002 to 2020 11

Annex Tables

Table A.1. Data for Figure 1. Solid waste diversion and disposal, Canada, 2002 to 2020 15

Table A.2. Data for Figure 2. Solid waste diversion and disposal per person, Canada, 2002 to 2020 16

Table A.3. Data for Figure 3. Solid waste diversion and disposal per person, by jurisdiction, Canada, 2020 16

Table A.4. Data for Figure 4. Solid waste diversion rate by source, Canada, 2002 to 2020 17

Table A.5. Data for Figure 5. Solid waste diversion rate from all sources by jurisdiction, Canada, 2002 and 2020 17

Table A.6. Data for Figure 6. Solid waste diversion by type of material, Canada, 2002 to 2020 18


#캐나다환경정책 #폐기물관리 #폐기물처리 #순환경제
