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Principled Artificial Intelligence : Mapping Consensus in Ethical and Rights-Based Approaches to Principles for AI
(원칙에 입각한 인공지능)


2 Acknowledgements

3 Introduction
4 Executive Summary
7 How to Use these Materials
8 Data Visualization

11 Definitions and Methodology
11 Definition of Artificial Intelligence
12 Definition of Relevant Documents
14 Document Search Methodology
15 Principle and Theme Selection Methodology
18 Timeline Visualization

20 Themes among AI Principles
21 Privacy
28 Accountability
37 Safety and Security
41 Transparency and Explainability
47 Fairness and Non-discrimination
53 Human Control of Technology
56 Professional Responsibility
60 Promotion of Human Values

64 International Human Rights

66 Conclusion

68 Bibliography


#AI원칙 #AI윤리 #AI규범 #인공지능윤리


AI 요약·번역 서비스

인공지능이 자동으로 요약·번역한 내용입니다.

Principled Artificial Intelligence : Mapping Consensus in Ethical and Rights-Based Approaches to Principles for AI

(원칙에 입각한 인공지능)