Résumé 4
Abstract 5
Acknowledgements 6
Executive summary 9
Synthèse 10
Zusammenfassung 11
1 Introduction 12
2 Measuring AI exposure and skills in job vacancies 16
2.1. Measuring AI exposure from advances in the capabilities of artificial intelligence 16
2.2. Capturing skill demands from the universe of online job vacancies 18
2.3. Almost a third of vacancies have high AI exposure 21
3 Changes in occupational skill demand from AI exposure 24
3.1. Management and business skills are the most demanded skills in occupations with high AI exposure 24
3.2. For high-exposure occupations, the most demanded skill groupings have also seen the largest increases in demand over time 25
3.3. Skills requiring collaboration with colleagues, originality, and experience with basic office tools have seen the largest rise in demand in occupations highly exposed to AI 27
4 Changing skill demands due to establishment-level AI exposure 30
4.1. A better approach is to compare similar establishments which differ only in their exposure to AI 31
4.2. Establishments more exposed to AI are associated with declining demand for general office software, business and management skills 33
4.3. AI exposure is associated with modest increases in overall vacancy posting as well as vacancy postings demanding AI skills 41
References 44
Annex A. Additional tables and figures 48
Annex B. Details of Naive Bayes classifier for classifying vacancies 52
Annex C. O*NET+ combined ONET-ESCO classification 54
AI 요약·번역 서비스
인공지능이 자동으로 요약·번역한 내용입니다.
Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in the labour market
(인공지능과 노동시장의 기술 수요 변화)