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Weapons of mass destruction : DHS has made progress in some areas, but additional improvements are needed
(대량살상무기 : DHS는 일부 분야에서 진전을 보였으나 추가적인 개선이 필요함)


Title page


Highlights 2

Background 4

DHS Has Made Progress Addressing Past Challenges, But Additional Improvements are Still Needed 7

Chemical defense 7

Biodefense 8

Radiological and nuclear detection 10

Technology acquisitions 12

Employee morale 13

GAO Acknowledgements 14

Figure 1. First Responders in Hazmat Suits Practicing a BioWatch Safety Drill 5

Figure 2. Photos of Types of Radiological and Nuclear Detection Equipment 7


#미국국방전략 # 미국안보전략 # 대량살상무기대응 # WMD
