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Global economic prospects
(세계 경제 전망)


Acknowledgments xiii
Foreword xv
Executive Summary xvii
Abbreviations xix

Chapter 1 The Global Outlook 1
 Box 1.1 Regional perspectives: Outlook and risks 19
 Box 1.2 Recent developments and outlook for low-income countries 25

Chapter 2 Regional Outlooks 51
 East Asia and Pacific 53
 Europe and Central Asia 61
 Latin America and the Caribbean 69
 Middle East and North Africa 77
 South Asia 85
 Sub-Saharan Africa 93

Chapter 3 Harnessing the Benefits of Public Investment 103
 Box 3.1 Public investment dynamics around adverse events 126
 Box 3.2 Macroeconomic impacts of public investment: A literature review 129

Chapter 4 Fiscal Challenges in Small States: Weathering Storms, Rebuilding Resilience 147

Statistical Appendix 183
Selected Topics 190


#세계경제 # 경제전망
