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Improving public sector capacity-strengthening support for small island developing states
(군소 도서 개발도상국을 위한 공공 부문 역량 강화 지원 개선)


Title page


Abstract 4

Acknowledgements 7

1. Introduction 9

Methodological note 9

Power of language 11

2. Improving capacity strengthening through enhancing SIDS public sector systems 13

Enhancing SIDS public sector organisational capabilities 13

Addressing key capacity challenges 14

Leveraging the innate characteristics and diversities of SIDS public sector systems 15

3. Improving capacity strengthening through regional approaches and institutions 17

Regional institutions 17

Opportunities to expand on regional approaches 18

4. Catalysing the impact of capacity strengthening for SIDS 20

Untapped, cross-cutting opportunities 20

Improving the process and approaches from development partners 24

5. Actions towards improved capacity strengthening support 37

Focus area 1: Small Island Developing States systems 37

Focus area 2: Regional systems 38

Focus area 3: Capacity strengthening systems and development partnerships 40

6. Acknowledging the implications of broader systems of development and development partnerships 44

Impacts of politics of development partnerships and systems on capacity strengthening 44

Nuancing the special case narrative 45

Reframing development as mutual dependency and collaboration for global outcomes 46

Moving forward 47

References 48

Table 1.1. Terminology and Definitions 12

Table 4.1. Phases of the Capacity Strengthening Lifecycle 29

Table 4.2. Deconstructing Capacity Strengthening Modalities 31

Table 5.1. Strengthening the governing and organisational capacities of SIDS 37

Table 5.2. The development paradigm is shifted to leverage strengths of SIDS 37

Table 5.3. SIDS can leverage overseas opportunities while also enhancing their domestic workforce 38

Table 5.4. The role, scope, and capacities of regional institutions are clarified and strengthened to better support SIDS capacities 38

Table 5.5. The role of regional and inter-regional institutions supports data sharing, digital capacities and knowledge sharing 39

Table 5.6. Development partner capacity strengthening support is harmonised 40

Table 5.7. Access to finance and support for SIDS is improved 40

Table 5.8. Contextually, complexity and politically informed capacity strengthening approaches that use modalities in combination to enable whole-of-systems... 41

Table 5.9. Development partners grow capacities in applying development effectiveness principles and meaningful, two-way, trusted partnerships 42

Table 5.10. SIDS are better supported to innovate and exploit emerging trends and technologies 42

Figure 1.1. Guiding Research Questions 10


Box 4.1. Country ownership and the principles for effective development co-operation in SIDS 27


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