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OECD agenda for transformative science, technology and innovation policies
(변혁적 과학, 기술 및 혁신 정책 의제)


Title page


Acknowledgements 4

Reader's Guide 7

Executive summary 8

1. The Agenda for Transformative STI Policies 9

What is the Agenda for Transformative STI Policies? 9

Why a new Transformative Agenda for STI policies now? 11

2. Transformative STI policy orientations 16

Introduction 16

Direct STI policy to accelerate transformative change 17

Embrace values in STI policies that align with achieving the transformative goals 18

Accelerate both the emergence and diffusion of innovations for transformative change 19

Promote the phase out of technologies and related practices that contribute to global problems 20

Implement systemic and co-ordinated STI policy responses to global challenges 22

Instil greater agility and experimentation in STI policy 23

3. Translating the policy orientations into policy actions 25

Introduction 25

How to direct public STI funding and private finance to support transformative change? 28

How to gear research and technology infrastructures towards transformation? 30

How to leverage enabling technologies to advance transformations? 32

How to nurture skills and capabilities required for STI-enabled transformation? 34

How to ensure market and structural conditions allow STI to support transformative change? 36

How to develop and use strategic intelligence to guide transformation? 38

How to engage society in STI to further transformative change? 40

How to deepen STI co-operation between innovation system actors for transformation? 42

How to promote cross-government coherence to co-ordinate STI-enabled transformations? 44

How to leverage international STI co-ordination to support transformation for the public good? 46

4. Further guidance and next steps 48

Modular policy guidance 48

Key policy challenge toolkits 49

Future CSTP activities 49

Endnotes 50

References 56

Annex: S&T Policy 2025 Advisory Board and Steering Group Membership 71

Table 2.1. Leveraging different types of policy instruments in implementing the policy orientations 17

Table 2.2. Specific values pertinent to science and technology governance 18

Table 2.3. Examples of horizontal and sectoral public policy areas closely related to STI policy 23

Table 3.1. STI 'resources' policy areas and associated key policy actions for transformation 26

Table 3.2. STI 'relations' policy areas and associated key policy actions for transformation 27

Figure 1.1. The Transformative Agenda's transformative goals, policy orientations and STI policy areas 10

Figure 1.2. A stylised comparison of 'dominant' and 'transformative' STI policy orientations 14

Figure 2.1. The Transformative Agenda's six policy orientations 16

Figure 2.2. Typical S-shaped curve of technology or practice adoption and system transformation 20

Figure 2.3. Complementary patterns of technology diffusion and phase out 21

Figure 3.1. The ten STI policy areas addressed in the Transformative Agenda 26

Figure 4.1. Next steps in supporting countries' efforts to implement the Transformative Agenda 49

Annex Tables

Table A.1. S&T Policy 2025 Advisory Board Membership 71

Table A.2. S&T Policy 2025 Steering Group Membership 72


#과학기술혁신 # STI정책 # STI #
