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Reducing inequalities and bolstering growth in Mexico
(멕시코의 불평등 감소 및 성장 강화)


Title page


Abstract 4

Résumé 4

Redoubling efforts to enhance human capital 7

Increasing gender equality 10

Continuing to boost labour market inclusiveness 13

References 16

Table 1. Policy recommendations to reduce inequalities and bolster growth 15

Figure 1. Income inequality and poverty have recently fallen but extreme poverty less so 6

Figure 2. Many students leave the education system before completing secondary education 7

Figure 3. Education quality lags and regional differences are large 8

Figure 4. There is room to further increase the share of tertiary graduates 10

Figure 5. Female labour force participation is low 10

Figure 6. Mexico has much to gain from closing gender participation gaps 11

Figure 7. Enrolment in early education for the youngest is low 12


Box 1. Countries experience with improving education outcomes through data and evaluation 8

Box 2. School schedules and mothers' employment: evidence from Chile and other OECD countries 12

Box 3. A reform of contributory-pensions is being gradually phased in 14


#사회적불평등 # 빈곤퇴치 # 멕시코정책
