로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

How Innovative Is China in the Electric Vehicle and Battery Industries?
(중국은 전기 자동차 및 배터리 산업에서 얼마나 혁신적인가?)


Key Takeaways 1
Introduction 3
Background and Methodology 5
Importance of EVs and EV Batteries and the US Role 5
China’s Electric Vehicle Industry 6
How Innovative Are China’s EV and EV Batteries Industries? 12
 Product Innovation 13
  EV Battery Innovation 13
  EV Innovation 15
  Other Vehicle Innovations  18
 Process Innovation 18
 Market- and Customer-Experience-Driven Innovation  20
Innovation Inputs to China’s EV Sector 21
 R&D Intensity 21
 Scientific Publications 22
 Patents  25
Company Case Studies 28
 BYD 28
 Li Auto 29
China’s Government Policies Supporting the EV Sector  30
 Subsidies  30
 JVs and Technology Transfer Requirements  32
 IP Theft  32
 Favoring Domestic Enterprises 33
 Other Policies 33
 Analysis of Chinese Policies Supporting the EV Sector 34
What Should America Do?  35
Conclusion  38
Endnotes 39


#전기차배터리 # 배터리산업 # 중국전기차배터리시장
