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Closing the gender gap : promoting labour market participation
(성별 격차 해소 : 노동 시장 참여 촉진)


Title page


Abstract 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Barriers to Women's Labor Force Participation 6

3. Maternal Leave Policies 8

3.1. Critical Policy Elements 10

3.2. Best Practices and Discussion 13

4. Paternal Leave Policies 14

4.1. Critical Policy Elements 14

4.2. Discussion and Best Practices 16

5. State-Financed Childcare 16

5.1. Critical Policy Elements 17

5.2. Discussion and Best Practices 20

6. Extended School Hours 20

6.1. Critical Policy Elements 21

6.2. Discussion and Best Practices 23

7. Tax and Retirement Policy 24

7.1. Critical Policy Elements 24

7.2. Discussion and Best Practices 27

8. Concluding Remarks 27

References 30

Figure 1. Gender Gaps in Employment Rate in OECD Countries 4


#성별격차 # 육아휴직 # 노동시간 # 유연근무
