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2024 Living planet report
(2024 지구생명보고서)


Executive summary 6

Foreword by Kirsten Schuijt 14

Foreword by María Susana Muhamad González 16

1. Measuring nature's decline 18
 What is biodiversity and why is it important? 19
 How do we measure nature? 20
  • Nature narratives: using indicators to understand change over different timescales 20
  • Nature narratives: from populations to ecosystem function 22
 The global Living Planet Index 2024 24
 Understanding drivers of change to nature through regional perspectives 26
 Case studies 32

2. Tipping points 34
 Early warning signals 36
  • North America: fire suppression, drought and invasive species 36
  • Great Barrier Reef: overfishing, pollution and warming waters 38
  • India: wetland loss, drought and flooding 40
 Tipping points with global significance 41
 A wake-up call 43

3. Global goals and progress 44
 Reaching 2030 on the pathway to a sustainable future 46

4. Sustainable solutions 50
 Nature conservation 51
  • Evolving approaches to conservation 51
  • Transforming conservation 52
 The food system 61
  • Challenges with the current food system 62
  • Food system transformation: what’s needed? 65
 The energy system 70
  • Challenges with the current energy system 71
  • Energy transformation: what’s needed? 72
  • How do we achieve a transformation that is faster, greener and fairer? 74
 Green finance 77
  • Financing green 80
  • Greening finance 81

5. Making it happen 84
 Tracking progress 85
 The final push 85

Photo credits 86

References 87


#지구생명보고서 # 동물개체군감소