Tables, Figures, and Box v
Contributors ix
Acknowledgments xi
Executive Summary xii
Introduction: Digitalization for Green and Inclusive Development xv
Dina Azhgaliyeva, John Beirne, Subhasis Bera, Dil Rahut, and Shu Tian
PART I: Impacts of Digitalization on Green Development
1. Digital Urban Energy Nexus: Simulation and Modeling System for Comprehensive Urban Energy Analysis and Sustainable Development 1
Qing Yu, Jiaxing Li, Haoran Zhang, Zhen Wang, Jian Xu, Likun Penga, Dou Huanga, Haiwei Zhia, Zichen Zhanga, and Wenqian Zhanga
2. Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Smart Ports: Case Studies from Bangladesh, the Republic of Korea, and Sri Lanka 31
Eleanor Hadland and Yesim Elhan-Kayalar
3. Improving Agri-Food Sector Productivity in Indonesia Through Information and Communication Technologies 79
Endiarjati Dewandaru Sadono and Ilham Unggara
PART II: Impacts of Digitalization on Inclusive Development
4. Does Digitalization Alleviate Rural Clean Energy Poverty? 113
Ying Chen and Ziqi Chen
5. Unlocking Inclusive Growth: The Nexus of Digitalization, Formalization, and Global Value Chains 145
Upalat Korwatanasakul
6 The Digital Divide: Trends and Policy Measures in the Republic of Korea 169
Jungwook Kim and Hyeyoung Woo
7. Demarrage and Catch-up in the Digital Transformation Race: A Cross-Economy Investigation 208
Willem Smit, Erkko Autio, and Donghyun Park
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Beyond Boundaries : Navigating the Digital Landscape for a Green and Inclusive Future
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