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Forecast for Germany: Significantly gloomier growth outlook – inflation decreases to 2%
(독일에 대한 전망: 상당히 암울한 성장 전망 – 인플레이션은 2%로 감소)


1 Macroeconomic outlook
    1.1 The German economy is emerging only slowly from stagnation
Underlying conditions for the Forecast for Germany
Details on the forecast of expenditure components
    1.2 Temporary marked weakening of labour market
    1.3 Much weaker wage growth in future after another strong year in 2024
    1.4 The inflation rate is still elevated in 2025, but then gradually returns to 2%.
2 Outlook for public finances
3 Risk assessment
The possible impact on the German economy of measures announced by the incoming US


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AI 요약·번역 서비스

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Forecast for Germany: Significantly gloomier growth outlook – inflation decreases to 2%

(독일에 대한 전망: 상당히 암울한 성장 전망 – 인플레이션은 2%로 감소)