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  • 주제별 국가전략
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Whose price is it anyway?: Comparing the spending power of low-to-middle income families in Britain and abroad
(누구를 위한 가격인가?: 영국과 해외의 저소득~중산층 가구의 구매력 비교)


International comparisons of incomes need to account for international variations in the cost of living 1
Low-to-middle income households spend a larger share of their budget on housing than the average household – and housing is expensive in the UK 3
Adjusting for the spending patterns of low-to-middle income households widens the gap between the UK and other countries 5
The high cost of housing means Britain is a particularly pricey country for poorer households 7


#영국경제 # 저소득층소비 # 중산층소비


AI 요약·번역 서비스

인공지능이 자동으로 요약·번역한 내용입니다.

Whose price is it anyway?: Comparing the spending power of low-to-middle income families in Britain and abroad

(누구를 위한 가격인가?: 영국과 해외의 저소득~중산층 가구의 구매력 비교)