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Civil society and nuclear risk reduction
(시민 사회와 핵 위험 감소)


1. The Elephant in the Room
The Soviet Union and India’s Nuclear Program, 1967–89

2. Between Aid and Restriction
Changing Soviet Policies toward China’s Nuclear Weapons Program 1954–60

3. From the Peaceful Atom to the Peaceful Explosion
Indo-French nuclear relations during the Cold War, 1950–1974

4. Russia’s Policy in the Run-Up to the First North Korea Nuclear Crisis, 1991–93

5. The Persistent Legacy
Germany’s Place in the Nuclear Order

6. The Imagined Arsenal
India’s Nuclear Decision-making, 1973–76

7. Tlatelolco Tested
The Falklands/Malvinas War and Latin America’s Nuclear Weapon Free Zone

8. Prelude to the Euromissile Crisis
The Neutron Bomb Affair, the Netherlands, and the ‘Defeat of the Strangeloves’

9. “Diverting the Arms Race into the Permitted Channels”
The Nixon Administration, the MIRV-Mistake, and the SALT Negotiations

10. Bringing Seoul into the Non-Proliferation Regime
The Effect of ROK-Canada Reactor Deals on Korea’s Ratification of the NPT

11. Waiting for the Bomb
PN Haksar and India’s Nuclear Policy in the 1960s

12. Interpreting the Bomb
Ownership and Deterrence in Ukraine’s Nuclear Discourse

13. "Is the Possibility of a Third World War Real?"
Researching Nuclear Ukraine in the KGB Archive

14. Political Authority or Atomic Celebrity?
The Influence of J. Robert Oppenheimer on American Nuclear Policy after the Second World War

15. “Atoms for Police”
The United States and the Dream of a Nuclear-Armed United Nations, 1945-62

16. The African National Congress and Apartheid South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program

17. Egypt and the Cuban Missile Crisis

18. Breaking the ONE
The Evolution of the National Intelligence Estimate Production Cycle from Johnson to Carter

19. Civil Society and Nuclear Risk Reduction


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Civil society and nuclear risk reduction

(시민 사회와 핵 위험 감소)