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Consultation on copyright in the age of generative artificial intelligence
(생성형 인공지능 시대의 저작권에 대한 공개 협의)


Introduction 4
Who We Heard From 5
What We Heard 6

    Text and data mining (TDM) 6
        Observation 1: Creators oppose the use of their content in AI without consent and compensation 7
        Observation 2: User groups support clarifications that TDM does not infringe copyright 8
        Observation 3: Support for greater transparency regarding TDM inputs 8
    Authorship and ownership of works generated by AI 9
        Observation 4: Support for the centrality of human authorship 9
    Infringement and liability regarding AI 10
        Observation 5: No consensus about whether existing legal tests and remedies are adequate 10
        Observation 6: No consensus about who may be liable for infringing AI-generated content 11
        Observation 7: Support for greater transparency to facilitate determining liability 12
    Engagement with Indigenous people 12
        Observation 8: Concerns raised on the use of Indigenous cultural expressions in AI 12
    Further commentary 14
        Observation 9: Some support for labelling of AI-generated content 14
        Observation 10: Some concern over the use of performers’ likenesses in deepfakes 14
        Observation 11: Concerns about negative impacts of AI on job security and unfair competition 14
Conclusion 16


#생성형AI # AI규제 # 데이터마이닝 # 콘텐츠보호


AI 요약·번역 서비스

인공지능이 자동으로 요약·번역한 내용입니다.

Consultation on copyright in the age of generative artificial intelligence

(생성형 인공지능 시대의 저작권에 대한 공개 협의)