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Combining part-time work and social benefits : empirical evidence from Finland
(시간제 근로와 사회적 혜택의 결합 : 핀란드 사례를 중심으로)


Title page


Abstract 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Institutions and Earnings Disregard Reforms 10

2.1. Unemployment Benefits and Housing Allowance 11

2.2. Earnings Disregard Reforms and Changes in Incentives 15

2.3. Other relevant reforms 22

3. Data 24

4. Combining Benefits and Part-time Work Over Time 25

5. Analysis of Earnings Disregard Reforms 32

5.1. Methods and Definitions 32

5.2. Results 37

6. Discussion 51

References 53

Appendix 55

Table 1. Descriptive statistics, 2012-2018 25

Table 2. Regression estimates for part-time work, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients 46

Table 3. Regression estimates for full-time employment, earnings-related UB recipients 48

Table 4. Regression estimates for full-time employment, flat-rate UB recipients 49

Table 5. Heterogeneity results: working part-time 50

Table 6. Heterogeneity results: days worked in the next 24 months 50

Figure 1. Participation tax rates for single-person households, 2013-2015 17

Figure 2. Participation tax rates for two-person households in 2013-2015 19

Figure 3. Full-time and part-time unemployed individuals, 2000-2021 27

Figure 4. Share of part-time unemployed workers in different subgroups of all UB recipients, 2000-2022 28

Figure 5. Share of part-time work days days by occupation and benefit type, 2010-2020 31

Figure 6. Development of the share of part-time unemployed workers, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients 38

Figure 7. Development of the share of part-time unemployed workers, panel data analysis 40

Figure 8. Earnings from part-time work, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients 41

Figure 9. Days in full-time employment within the next 24 months, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients 43

Figure 10. Likelihood of permanent employment in the future, earnings-related UB recipients 44

Figure 11. Likelihood of permanent employment in the future, flat-rate UB recipients 45

Table A1. Simulated eligibility for housing allowance (HA) for different groups 64

Table A2. Descriptive statistics for earning-related UB recipients with and without HA 65

Table A3. Descriptive statistics for flat-rate UB recipients with and without HA 65

Table A4. Regression estimates for part-time work, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients using panel data 65

Table A5. Regression estimates for full-time employment within the next 12 months, earnings-related UB recipients 66

Table A6. Regression estimates for full-time employment within the next 12 months, flat-rate UB recipients 66

Table A7. Regression estimates for full-time employment within the next 13-24 months, earnings-related UB recipients 67

Table A8. Regression estimates for full-time employment within the next 13-24 months, flat-rate UB recipients 67

Figure A1. Share of part-time workers in Finland, 2000-2020 55

Figure A2. Changes in unemployment by UI funds, 2012-2020 56

Figure A3. Distributions of part-time earnings when receiving partial UB in 2013, 2014 and 2016, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients 57

Figure A4. Distributions of part-time earnings when receiving UB in 2013, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients with and without housing allowance 58

Figure A5. Development of the share of part-time unemployed workers without controls 59

Figure A6. Shares of treatment (UB+HA) and control (UB only) groups over time for earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients, 2012-2018 60

Figure A7. Development of the share of part-time unemployed workers when HA recipient status is based on simulated eligibility 61

Figure A8. Days in full-time employment within the next 12 months, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients 62

Figure A9. Days in full-time employment within the next 13-24 months, earnings-related and flat-rate UB recipients 63


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