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Making Germany's space sector fit fot the future: the space strategy of the German Federal Government
(독일 우주 분야를 미래에 적합하게 하는 것: 독일 연방정부의 우주전략)


1. Introduction: setting the stage for Germany’s space strategy 3
2. Space: a key to solving global challenges 7
3. Guidelines of the Federal Government’s space policy 9
4. Fields of action: making Germany’s space sector fit for the future 11
a) Expanding strategic space expertise 11
b) Establishing a unified legal framework 13
c) Sustainably reinforcing our strong position in space research 15
d) Tapping new markets 16
e) Exploiting space for civil and military security purposes 18
f) Shaping the distribution of roles in the European space sector 20
g) Defining the roles of Germany and Europe in exploration 21
h) Securing technological independence and access to space 23
5. Summary 26


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Making Germany's space sector fit fot the future: the space strategy of the German Federal Government

(독일 우주 분야를 미래에 적합하게 하는 것: 독일 연방정부의 우주전략)