Preface iv
Acknowledgements v
Acronyms vi
Glossary vii
Executive summary ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Population ageing, migration and urbanization 2
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Intended readership 3
1.4 Structure of the document 3
2. Age-friendly cities and communities 5
2.1 The response of the global community 6
2.2 Age-friendly Cities and Communities and the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing 8
2.3 WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities and its affiliate programmes 10
2.4 National Age-friendly Cities and Communities programmes 13
3. Framework for implementing national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities 17
3.1 Element 1: Partnerships, networking and stakeholders 20
3.2 Element 2: Leadership and strategic thinking 26
3.3 Element 3: Human, financial, institutional and cultural resources 32
3.4 Element 4: Capacity-building 36
3.5 Element 5: Knowledge, research and innovation 41
3.6 Element 6: Monitoring and evaluation 44
Concluding remarks 50
References 51