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The benefits of brexit : how the UK is taking advantage of leaving the EU
(브렉시트의 이점: 영국이 EU 탈퇴를 이용하는 방법)


Title page


Foreword by the Prime Minister 6

Introduction 7

Our Achievements so far 8

Taking Back Control 8

Our Money and Levelling Up 11

Backing our Businesses 13

Support for people and families 16

Protecting our environment 18

Enhancing animal welfare standards 19

A Global Britain 20

The Best Regulated Economy in the World 23

Making the most of our regulatory freedoms 24

Our principles for regulation 25

A sovereign approach 27

Leading from the front 29

Proportionality 30

Recognising what works 32

Setting high standards at home and globally 33

Retained EU Law 34

Accelerating and prioritising reform 35

Amending retained EU law 36

A World of Future Opportunities 38

Science, Data & Technology 40

Research and Development 40

Quantum Technologies 42

Digital Economy 44

Digital Technology in Trade 46

Online Safety 48

Cyber Security & Product Security 49

Life Sciences 50

Business & Industry 52

Financial Services 52

Professional Business Services 54

Legal Services 56

Automotive 58

Aerospace 60

Retail and Consumer Goods 62

Hospitality 64

Food & Drink 66

Culture 68

Infrastructure & Levelling Up 69

The Future of Transport 69

Aviation 71

Space 73

Rail 75

Roads 77

Maritime 79

Nuclear 80

Housing and Construction 82

Local Government 83

Education 84

Health 86

Climate, the Environment & Agriculture 88

Achieving Net Zero 88

The Environment 90

Farming 92

Fisheries & Marine Management 94

Animal Welfare 96

Global Britain 98

The UK Border 98

Migration 100

International Trade 102

International Relations and Diplomacy 103

Conclusion 105


#브렉시트 # 국제경제 # 경제관계 # 국제무역
