Key messages
A. Summary for decision makers
A.1 Action items for governments
A.2 Action items for business and finance
A.3 Action items for civil society and multistakeholder coalitions
A.4 Action items for international organizations and financing institutions
B. Safeguarding the Global Commons
B.1 Understanding the Global Commons
B.2 Goals for safeguarding the Global Commons
C. The Global Commons Stewardship Framework
D. Action levers for Global Commons stewardship
D.1 Set targets; align governance and institutions
D.1.1 Set clear targets and promote pathways as a method for problem
D.1.2 Strengthen multistakeholder coalitions and social movements
D.1.3 Make domestic governance and international cooperation fit for the
D.1.4 Address illegal acts that harm the environment
D.2 Reset economics, finance and incentives
D.2.1 Align fiscal policies with Global Commons stewardship
D.2.2 Invest in safeguarding the Global Commons
D.2.3 Align business and financial sector incentives with Global Commons
D.3 Ensure inclusion and fairness to build consensus for change
D.3.1 Design transformations in fair, transparent and participatory ways
D.3.2 Value and champion Indigenous Peoples and local communities
D.4 Harness innovation, technologies and data
D.4.1 Focus national innovation systems and industrial strategies on Global
Commons stewardship
D.4.2 Promote new progress measures and harness new data
D.4.3 Enhance the cybersphere
E. A call to action
E.1 Governments
E.2 Business and finance
E.3 Civil society organizations and multistakeholder coalitions
E.4 International organizations and financing institutions
Annex 1. Results of Global Commons Stewardship Index
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Safeguarding the Global Commons for human prosperity and environmental sustainability
(인류의 번영과 환경의 지속가능성을 위한 글로벌 커먼즈 보호)