Summary 5
1 Duties on Schools and colleges 6
1.1 Keeping Children Safe in Education: Government guidance 6
1.2 Relationships and sex education and PSHE 7 Statutory RSE: Children and Social Work Act 2017 7
Health education 8
2 Behaviour and bullying policies 9
2.1 Behaviour 9
2.2 Bullying 9
3 Select committee and Ofsted reports 11
3.1 Women and Equalities Committee report: attitudes towards women and girls in educational settings (2023) 11
Government response 12
3.2 Women and Equalities Committee report: sexual harassment and violence in schools (2016) 13
Launch and Fixers report 13
Committee report 13
Government response 14
Evidence session with Ministers (October 2017) 15
3.3 Ofsted review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges (2021) 16
Ofsted guidance 19
4 Allegations against teachers or other pupils 20
5 Policies in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland 23
Scotland 23
Wales 23
Northern Ireland 23
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