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2024 index of U.S. military strength
(2024 미국 군사력지수 보고서)

□ 미국의 보수성향 싱크탱크 헤리티지 재단은 1월 24일(현지시간) 「2024 미국 군사력 지수」 보고서를 발표하고, 올해도 북한을 중국, 러시아, 이란 등과 함께 미국의 중대한 국익을 위협하는 나라로 평가함. 보고서는 ”북한의 지속적인 도발과 미사일, 핵 및 사이버 능력 강화는 고질적 문제”라며 ”이는 중국이나 러시아가 제기하는 위협과 같은 수준은 아니지만 역내 안보 뿐 아니라 미국 본토 자체를 훼손할 정도의 위협”이라고 지적함

□ 보고서는 북한의 '핵과 미사일 전력'을 가장 큰 군사적 위협으로 적시함. 북한의 재래식 전력에 대해서는 ”대부분의 무기가 1950~1970년대 사이에 생산된 것으로 품질이 낮다”며 상대적으로 노후했다고 평가함. 다만, 구형 무기로 무장한 북한의 지상군 대부분이 광범위하게 전진 배치되어 있어 ”비무장지대 인근에 배치된 수천 개의 포병대는 연합군이 포격하기 전에 한국, 특히 서울에 치명적 피해를 입힐 수 있다”고 강조함

□ 보고서에 따르면 북한은 현재 미국 본토와 미군, 아시아의 동맹국들을 핵무기로 위협할 수 있는 다양한 미사일 시스템 보유하고 있는 것으로 나타남. 북한의 미사일 발사 횟수 및 다양성 증가는 핵무기를 사용한 선제공격을 포함해 보다 유연한 핵 전략 이행이 가능함을 암시하는 것으로, 위기 상황에서 핵무기 사용 문턱이 낮아질 수도 있다고 경고함

[출처] 美싱크탱크 '북핵 중대 위협…유사시 핵사용 문턱 낮아질 수도' (2024.01.26.) / 연합뉴스
[보고서 요약] Executive Summary of the 2024 Index of U.S. Military Strength (2024.01.24.) / Heritage Foundation


Title page


Contributors 7

Acknowledgments 9

Preface 11

Introduction 13

Executive Summary 22

The Index of U.S. Military Strength: Ten Years in Review 40

The Role of the Military in U.S. History: Past, Present, and Future 62

The Military and Society: A Refresher 74

The U.S. Defense Industrial Base: Past Strength, Current Challenges, and Needed Change 83

Understanding the Defense Budget 92

Global Operating Environment 105

Assessing the Global Operating Environment 106

Europe 108

Middle East 186

Asia 211

Conclusion: Scoring the Global Operating Environment 253

Threats to U.S. Vital Interests 256

Assessing Threats to U.S. Vital Interests 257

China 260

Russia 287

Iran 326

North Korea 361

Non-State Actors 368

Conclusion: Global Threat Level 383

U.S. Military Power 386

An Assessment of U.S. Military Power 387

U.S. Army 405

U.S. Army Modernization Table 421

U.S. Navy 435

U.S. Navy Modernization Table 454

U.S. Air Force 477

U.S. Air Force Modernization Table 495

U.S. Marine Corps 510

U.S. Marine Corps Modernization Table 522

U.S. Space Force 535

U.S. Space Force Modernization Table 548

U.S. Nuclear Weapons 563

Missile Defense 590

Cyber Warfare and U.S. Cyber Command 610

Conclusion: U.S. Military Power 617

Glossary of Abbreviations 623

Methodology 635

Table 1. Index Scores Over Time 54

Table 2. U.S. Defense Budget 93

Table 3. Department of Defense Funding, by Military Department 94

Table 4. Defense Funding, by Public Law Title 95

Table 5. China's Ownership Stake in European Ports, Airports, and Railways 119

Table 6. Historical U.S. Force Allocation 396

Table 7. Brigade Combat Teams Deployed to Europe in Support of Ukraine 408

Table 8. Major Army Combat Formations 411

Table 9. Procurement of Select Army Systems Will Take Decades to Complete 416

Table 10. Navy Fleet Design 442

Table 11. Precision-Guided Munitions Expenditures and Programmed Acquisitions 481

Table 12. Air Force, Total Aircraft Inventory 483

Table 13. Air Force Flying Hours and Weapons System Sustainment (WSS) Funding 488

Table 14. Mission-Capable Combat-Coded Fighters in the Active-Duty Air Force 489

Table 15. Air Force Maintenance Manning 490

Table 16. Space Launches by Country 542

Table 17. U.S. Space Launches by Organization 543

Table 18. U.S. Satellites in Orbit 544

Figure 1. Development of Any DOD Budget Starts Two Years in Advance 102

Figure 2. Shoring up NATO Defenses: A Timeline of Recent Developments 121

Figure 3. Army Capacity: Brigade Combat Teams 410

Figure 4. Air Force Active-Duty Combat-Coded Fighter Squadrons (31 Total) 491

Figure 5. Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Combat-Coded Fighter Squadrons (24 Total) 491

Figure 6. Types of Earth Orbits 538

Figure 7. U.S. Missile Defense: Interceptors 592


Chart 1. U.S. Military Strength Dwindles While Threats Continue to Rise 48

Chart 2. Where Does All the Money Go? 96

Chart 3. Non-Defense Spending Consuming More GDP 97

Chart 4. Total Defense Spending 98

Chart 5. Growth of the Fourth Estate 100

Chart 6. Changing Drivers of Defense Budget 101

Chart 7. Cost per Active Military Personnel 101

Chart 8. Few U.S. Troops in Europe Are Stationed Near Russia 110

Chart 9. NATO Aid to Ukraine 115

Chart 10. Iran Poses High Level of Danger 339

Chart 11. Army End Strength Lowest Since 1940 406

Chart 12. Army Budget Hit by Both Cuts and Inflation 409

Chart 13. U.S. vs. China and Russia Navies: Fleet Expansion Trends 445

Chart 14. Navy Combat Ships Nearing End of Service Life 449

Chart 15. Air Force Budgets, 2017-2024 478

Chart 16. A Smaller and Less Diverse Nuclear Arsenal 567


Map 1. Overview of NATO's Nuclear Deterrence 113

Map 2. U.S. Access to Bases and Facilities in the Middle East 195

Map 3. Strategic Significance of the Compact of Free Association States 220

Map 4. Maritime Boundaries in the Taiwan Strait 267

Map 5. Two Pacific Island Chains 269

Map 6. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Claims in the South China Sea 270

Map 7. Chinese Fault Lines 272

Map 8. Disputed Borders Between India and China 274

Map 9. Iranian Missile Systems: Maximum Ranges 330

Map 10. Countries with Iranian Proxy Groups 333

Map 11. Iran's Nuclear Infrastructure 337

Map 12. Iranian Naval Headquarters 344

Map 13. Key U.S. Naval Installations 438

Map 14. Steaming Times to Areas of Vital U.S. National Interest 440

Map 15. U.S. Navy Global Presence 451

Map 16. U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex 572


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2024 index of U.S. military strength

(2024 미국 군사력지수 보고서)