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Developing skills for digital government : A review of good practices across OECD governments
(디지털 정부를 위한 기술 개발 : OECD 회원국 정부의 모범 사례 검토)


Abstract 3

Résumé 4

Acknowledgements 5
Table of contents 6

Executive Summary 8
 Competence frameworks support strategic approaches on skills for digital government 8
 Skills assessments identify skills gaps and help to target learning opportunities 9
 Public administrations can offer a mix of training and informal learning opportunities 9
 Design choices, incentives to participate, and the institutional set-up make a difference 9
 Evaluating learning opportunities can improve their effectiveness 10

1 The importance of investing in skills for digital government 11
 The importance of digital government 11
 The crucial role of workforce management and investment in skills 13
 Approach and structure of this study 14

2 Identifying and assessing skills for digital government 16
 Identifying skills for digital government 16
 The European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) 17
 The Global Skills and Competency Framework for a Digital World (SFIA) 20
 The Digital, Data and Technology Capability Framework in the United Kingdom 22
 The Model of Digital Skills by the Government Digital Academy in Denmark 23
 Assessing skills for digital government 26
 Deep Skills by INPS in Italy 27

3 Organising and evaluating learning opportunities 29
 Organising learning opportunities for skills for digital government 29
  Training digital talent and empowering leaders in Australia 31
  Supporting civil servants to drive the digital transformation in government in France 33
  Developing civil servants’ skills for digital government in Canada 35
  Strengthening digital skills of civil servants in Germany 37
  Learning on digital government in the United Kingdom 39
  Providing data-driven training in Korea 41
 Evaluating skills development for digital government 44
  Certifying learning: the BAIT system in Spain 44
  Using skills evaluation for performance-related pay in the United Kingdom 46
  Measuring the impact of larger “digital capability building initiatives” in Australia 46
  Evaluating training in the private sector 47
  References 50


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Developing skills for digital government : A review of good practices across OECD governments

(디지털 정부를 위한 기술 개발 : OECD 회원국 정부의 모범 사례 검토)