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2024 Atlas : freedom and prosperity around the world
(2024 아틀라스 : 전 세계의 자유와 번영)


Title page


Foreword 4

Regaining Trust in Government 12

Overview 30

East Asia & the Pacific 46

China 58

Europe 71

European Union 80

Russia 90

Ukraine 100

Latin America & the Caribbean 111

Argentina 118

Brazil 129

Chile 139

Mexico 148

Middle East & North Africa 161

Egypt 172

Saudi Arabia 181

North America 189

United States of America 196

South & Central Asia 207

India 214

Pakistan 226

Sub-Saharan Africa 237

Kenya 251

South Africa 262

Methodology 273

Contributors 279

Table 1. Change in deprivations in Mexico (2000-2022) 159

Ukraine 107

Figure 1. Institutional reform in selected countries (1985-2022) 107

Sub-Saharan Africa 246

Figure 1. Trade freedom in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1970-2022 246

Figure 2. Black market premium and real exchange rate index in Ghana, 1960-2022 248

Figure 3. Cumulative logarithmic growth in per capita income in Ghana since 1960 249


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2024 Atlas : freedom and prosperity around the world

(2024 아틀라스 : 전 세계의 자유와 번영)