□ HDI는 국가별로 ▲기대수명, ▲기대교육연수, ▲평균교육연수, ▲1인당 국민소득(GNI) 등 4가지 객관 지표를 바탕으로 순위가 매겨짐. 한국의 2022년 기대수명은 84년, 기대교육연수는 16.5년, 평균교육연수는 12.6년, 1인당 국민소득은 구매력평가(PPP) 기준 4만6천26달러로 평가됨
□ HDI 순위 1위는 작년에 이어 올해도 스위스가 차지함. 스위스인의 기대수명과 평균교육연수는 한국보다 0.3년과 1.3년씩 길었으며, 기대교육연수는 한국과 거의 동일한 수준이었으나 소득에서 스위스(6만9천433달러)가 크게 앞선 것으로 나타남. 가장 낮은 193위를 기록한 국가는 소말리아(0.380)였고, 북한은 기대수명(73.6년) 외의 정보가 확인되지 않아 순위가 매겨지지 않았음
[출처] 한국 '삶의 질' 세계 19위…전년도보다 한 계단 상승 (2024.03.14.) / 연합뉴스
Foreword v
Acknowledgements vii
Snapshot 1
Overview 11
PART I Advancing human development in an interdependent world 25
CHAPTER 1 Human development suffers when interdependence is mismanaged 27
Building forward weaker? An unequal and incomplete recovery in human development from the 2020–2021 dip 29
Mismanaging interdependence imposes costs on human development 34
Prospects for advancing agency and wellbeing will be shaped by the management of interdependence 38
CHAPTER 2 Global interdependence persists—but is being reshaped 45
The persistence of global ties—a hyperconnected world with multiple global interdependences 47
Global interdependence is being reshaped and likely to persist well into the future 56
Providing global public goods to manage interdependence 71
What are global public goods? 73
What does it take to provide global public goods? They are not created equal 76
Applying a global public goods lens to the response to Covid-19 79
PART II Reimagining cooperation by expanding agency and easingpolarization 97
CHAPTER 4 Examining how to enhance collective action 99
Start with a standard selfish choice model of behaviour 102
Apply insights from behavioural science, but handle with care 105
Recognize how culture shapes behaviour and institutions 109
CHAPTER 5 Expanding agency for collective action 143
How agency gaps hinder collective action 145
Narrowing agency gaps to foster collective action 148
Institutions to bring collective action to scale—people-centred, co-owned and future-oriented 158
CHAPTER 6 Breaking the gridlock to enhance collective action 173
How does political polarization come about? 175
Political polarization imperils cooperation 177
Enhancing international collective action—now 180
Notes 207
References 227
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Human Development Report 2023-24 : Breaking the gridlock - Reimagining cooperation in a polarized world
(인간개발 보고서 2023-24)