1. Introduction 1
2. Main features of the revitalised EU regulatory framework for batteries 3
2.1 EU Batteries Regulation 3
2.1.1 The battery passport 7
3. An emerging landscape of battery passports 9
3.1 Battery passport examples across the EU 9
3.2 The BATRAW case 11
4. Opportunities and challenges 13
4.1 Methodology 13
4.2 Identified opportunities and implementation challenges 15
.4.2.1 Opportunities. 15
4.2.2 Implementation challenges 16
5. Conclusions and policy recommendations 19
Sources 22
About the BATRAW project 25
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Implementing the EU Digital Battery Passport: Opportunities and Challenges for Battery Circularity
(유럽연합의 디지털 배터리 여권: 배터리 순환성의 기회와 과제)