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Climate adaptation : why local governments cannot do it alone : policy perspectives
(기후 변화 적응 : 왜 지방정부 혼자서는 할 수 없는가)


Title page


Acknowledgements 5

Executive summary 6

1. Introduction 8

2. The rationale of a local approach for adaptation 10

2.1. The local specificities of climate risks 10

2.2. The role of local authorities in climate change adaptation 11

3. Climate adaptation remains a shared responsibility 19

3.1. Limits to local adaptation engagement and action 19

3.2. Local adaptation is embedded in a broader local and national policy, regulatory and fiscal context 20

3.3. The role of national governments in supporting local adaptation 22

4. Conclusions 25

References 26

Table 2.1. Cross-governmental roles and responsibilities 12

Table 2.2. Local standards or regulations targeting climate adaptation 16

Table 2.3. The role of local governments in OECD countries' national adaptation plans or strategies 18

Figure 2.1. Population exposure to heat stress at the local level 11

Figure 2.2. Climate change adaptation cycle and the role of local authorities 13


Box 2.1. Urban local adaptation plans: examples across the OECD 15

Box 3.1. Delegating adaptation actions to the local level - the case of GEMAPI in France 21

Box 3.2. Streamlining climate consideration into local, regional, and national policies 24


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