로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

Corporate inequality : role of competition and institutions
(기업 간의 불평등 : 경쟁과 제도의 역할)


Title page


Abstract 1

Introduction 3

1. Data and Methods 8

1.1. Defining Star firms and Markups 8

1.2. Cartels 12

1.3. Import Tariffs 13

1.4. Identifying Star Firms across the World 14

2. Empirical Findings 15

2.1. Markups, Intangible Capital, and Star Status 15

2.2. Are star firms' profits associated with lower output and investment? 17

2.3. Role of Competition 19

3. Conclusion 21

References 23

Table 1. Star Firms across the World 33

Table 2. Churning and Persistence 35

Table 3. Markups and Star Status 37

Table 4. Markups and Star Status - Heterogeneity across Intangible Capital 39

Table 5. Stars: Output and Investment 40

Table 6. Import Tariff Cuts, Markups, and Star Status 41

Table 7. Stars and Tariff Cuts: Output and Investment 42

Table 8. End of Cartel Membership as a Shock to Markups 43

Table 9. End of Cartel Membership: Stars and Non-stars 44

Figure 1. Tariff Cuts across US Industries 28

Figure 2. Country Stars across Country Income Groups and Industry 29

Figure 3. Output and Markups over time 30

Figure 4. Investment and Markups over time 31

Figure 5. R&D and Markups over time 32


#경제불평등 # 금융거래 # 기업카르텔 # 독점
