Preface to the German Stability Programme for 2024 5
1. Summary 6
2. Aggregate economic conditions in Germany 9
2.1 Aggregate economic conditions in Germany in 2023 9
2.2 Short- and medium-term outlook for the aggregate economy, 2024–2028 9
3. German fiscal policy in the European context 12
3.1 EU fiscal policy rules and their implementation in Germany 12
3.2 Fiscal situation and strategic direction 14
3.3 Fiscal policy measures in terms of expenditure and revenue 19
3.4 Implementation of country-specific fiscal policy recommendations 34
4. General government budget balance and debt level projection 36
4.1 Trends in general government revenue and expenditure 36
4.2 Trends in the government budget balance 38
4.3 Trends in the general government structural balance 38
4.4 Sensitivity of the budget balance projection 40
4.5 Trends in debt levels 41
5. Long-term sustainability and quality of public finances 42
5.1 Challenges to the sustainability of public finances 42
5.2 Government revenue and expenditure from a long-term perspective 44
5.3 Measures to ensure long-term fiscal sustainability 45
5.4 Measures to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of public revenues and spending 51
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German Stability Programme 2024
(독일 안정성 프로그램 2024)