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Unlocking co-creation for green innovation : an exploration of the diverse contributions of universities
(녹색 혁신을 위한 공동 창조의 잠금 해제 : 대학의 다양한 기여 탐구)


Title page


Executive summary 5

1. Introduction 7

2. University collaborations in green innovation 9

2.1. What are the initiatives' goals? 9

2.2. Who engages in the initiatives? 11

2.3. Universities' distinctive contributions 13

3. Specificities of green co-creation 16

3.1. Enabling conditions 16

3.2. Engaging citizens in co-creation 19

4. Policy considerations 22

4.1. Incentivising and supporting diverse university contributions to the green transition 22

4.2. Supporting universities' core assets and contributions to green innovation 24

4.3. Coordinating policy efforts for the green transition 26

4.4. Good practice for co-creation policy support 27

References 29

Table 1.1. Overview of 10 selected case studies 8

Table 2.1. Classification of selected co-creation initiatives 10

Table 2.2. Key partners involved in the 10 selected co-creation initiatives 11

Table 3.1. Who is the main funder of the initiative? 17

Table 3.2. Examples of citizen engagement activities undertaken by aspern.mobil LAB and the Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab 21

Table 4.1. University co-creation assets and factors influencing their contributions 22

Table 4.2. Public policy actions to Improve the incentives of universities to engage in co-creation for the green transition 23

Figure 3.1. GreenLab's smart grid solution to share energy 19

Figure 3.2. Why is it important to engage citizens in co-creation? 20


#산학협력 # 혁신정책 # 시민사회 # STI # 과학기술혁신 # 녹색전환
