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Trade policies to promote the circular economy : a case study of the plastics value chain
(순환 경제 촉진을 위한 무역 정책 : 플라스틱 가치 사슬에 대한 사례 연구)


Title page


Acknowledgements 2

Executive Summary 4

1. Introduction 5

2. Understanding the plastics value chain and the associated environmental challenges 6

2.1. Composition and circularity of the plastics value chain from a lifecycle perspective 6

2.2. Environmental and health impacts along the plastics value chain 10

3. International trade and plasticss pollution 11

3.1. The role of international trade in tackling plastic pollution 11

3.2. Trade trends in plastics along the life cycle 17

4. Trade-related policies to promote circularity in plastics value chains 20

4.1. Trade and trade-related policies at the border 26

4.2. Regulatory measures 30

4.3. The role of government incentives 32

5. Conclusion 36

References 38

Annex A. Tables and figures 43

Annex B. Methodology to collect data on patent filed at IP5 patent families for environmentally-related patents in plastics 46

Table 1. Objectives guiding trade-related policies along the plastics supply chains 21

Table 2. Overview of trade-related policy options to promote circularity along the plastics life cycle 23

Table 3. A typology of government support to different stages of the plastics value chain 33

Figure 1. Plastics supply chain stages 6

Figure 2. Plastics use by type of polymer 8

Figure 3. Plastics use by region 8

Figure 4. Share of total plastics use by sector, 2019 9

Figure 5. Plastics waste collected for recycling by region, 2019 10

Figure 6. Sourcing industries of plastics and rubber in TiVA, 2018 12

Figure 7. User industries of plastics and rubber in TiVA, 2018 13

Figure 8. Environmentally-related patents in plastics as a share of total IP5 patent families filed, per country, 2019 16

Figure 9. Number of environmentally-related patents in plastics filed at IP5 offices, 2019 16

Figure 10. World exports of products relevant to the life cycle of plastics by volume million (Mt) and value (USD billions) 17

Figure 11. World exports of plastic by volume million (Mt) and value (USD billions) 18

Figure 12. Exports of plastics by volume million (Mt) and value (USD billions), by region 19

Figure 13. Trade flows in plastics waste, 2021 20

Figure 14. Trends in the number of trade-related plastic measures notified to the WTO (2009-2021) 22

Figure 15. Applied tariffs (average) for different types of plastic products, 2021 27

Annex Tables

Table A.1. Types of polymers and examples of end-use applications for plastics 43

Table A.2. TiVA sectoral coverage 44

Table A.3. Number of environmentally-related plastics patents filed at IP5, 2019 45


#순환경제 # 가치사슬 # 녹색전환 # 무역정책 # 플라스틱규제
