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Finland’s Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan Update
(핀란드의 통합 국가 에너지 및 기후 계획 업데이트)


1 Overview and process for establishing the plan 9
1.1 Executive summary 9
1.1.1 Political, economic, environmental and social context of the plan 9
1.1.2 Strategy relating to the five dimensions of the Energy Union 13
1.1.3 Overview table with key objectives, policies and measures of the plan 16
1.2 Overview of the current policy situation 16
1.2.1 National and Union energy system, and policy context of the National Plan 16
1.2.2 Current energy and climate policies and measures relating to the five dimensions of the Energy Union 20
1.2.3 Key issues of cross-border relevance 22
1.2.4 Administrative structure of implementing national energy and climate policies 29
1.3 Consultations and involvement of national and Union entities and their outcome 32
1.3.1 Involvement of the national parliament 32
1.3.2 Involvement of local and regional authorities 32
1.3.3 Consultations of stakeholders, including the social partners, and engagement of civil society and the general public 33
1.3.4 Consultations of other Member States 45
1.3.5 Iterative process with the Commission 45
1.4 Regional cooperation in preparing the plan 46
2 National objectives and targets 47
2.1 Dimension decarbonisation 47
2.1.1 GHG emissions and removals 47
2.1.2 Renewable energy 54
2.2 Dimension energy efficiency 64
2.3 Dimension energy security 70
2.4 Dimension internal energy market 76
2.4.1 Electricity interconnectivity 76
2.4.2 Energy transmission infrastructure 79
2.4.3 Market integration 83
2.4.4 Energy poverty 86
2.5 Dimension research, innovation and competitiveness 91
3 Policies and measures 93
3.1 Dimension decarbonisation 93
3.1.1 GHG emissions and removals 93
3.1.2 Renewable energy 115
3.1.3 Other elements of the dimension 126
3.2 Dimension energy efficiency 130
3.3 Dimension energy security 141
3.4 Dimension internal energy market 148
3.4.1 Electricity infrastructure 148
3.4.2 Energy transmission infrastructure 149
3.4.3 Market integration 150
3.4.4 Energy poverty 159
3.5 Dimension research, innovation and competitiveness 162
4 Current situation and projections with existing policies and measures 168
4.1 Projected evolution of main exogenous factors influencing energy system and GHG emission developments 168
4.2 Dimension decarbonisation 172
4.2.1 GHG emissions and removals 172
4.2.2 Renewable energy 182
4.3 Dimension energy efficiency 185
4.4 Dimension energy security 190
4.5 Dimension internal energy market 195
4.5.1 Electricity interconnectivity 195
4.5.2 Energy transmission infrastructure 196
4.5.3 Electricity and gas markets, energy prices 201
4.6 Dimension research, innovation and competitiveness 205
5 Impact assessment of planned policies and measures 209
5.1 Impacts of planned policies and measures described in section 3 on energy system and GHG emissions and removals, including comparison to projections with existing policies and measures (as described in section 4) 209
5.2 Macroeconomic and, to the extent feasible, the health, environmental, employment and education, skills and social impacts including just transition aspects (in terms of costs and benefits as well as cost-effectiveness) of the planned policies and measures described in section 3 at least until the last year of the period covered by the plan, including comparison to projections with existing policies and measures 213
5.3 Overview of investment needs 217
5.4 Impacts of planned policies and measures described in section 3 on other Member States and regional cooperation at least until the last year of the period covered by the plan, including comparison to projections with existing policies and measures 223
5.5 The contribution of planned policies and measures to the achievement of the Union’s climate-neutrality objective set out in Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 223
Annex 1: Separate documents submitted to the commission 227



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