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The big shift in working arrangements : eight ways unusual
(근무 방식의 대전환 : 이전과는 다른 여덟 가지 변화)


Title page


Abstract 3

Ⅰ. The Big Shift in Working Arrangements 5

A. The U.S. Experience 5

B. Differences Across Industries 7

C. Differences Across Demographic Groups 8

D. Differences Across Countries 8

E. Heterogeneity in Preferences Over Working Arrangements 10

Ⅱ. Eight Ways Unusual 11

A. Work from Home Worked Better than Expected 11

B. Other Unusual Aspects of the Big Shift 12

Ⅲ. Concluding Remarks 18

References 20

Figure 1. Percentage of Paid Full Days Worked from Home in the United States, 2019 and May 2020 to March 2024 22

Figure 2. Share of Work Meetings by Mode and Working Arrangements, U.S. Data, March 2024 23

Figure 3. U.S. Work-from-Home Rates by Industry Sector in 2023, Employees Who Work Five or More Days per Week 24

Figure 4. Paid Full Days Worked from Home per Week as of April-June 2023, Full-Time Employees, 20-64 Years of age, Who Finished Secondary School 25


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