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Old Age Poverty and Active Ageing in ASEAN: trends and opportunities
(아세안의 노령빈곤과 적극적 고령화: 동향과 기회)


Acknowledgement iii
Foreword from the ASEAN Secretariat iv
Foreword from the SOMSWD Chair vi
Executive Summary vii
List of Tables xiv
List of Figures xv
Abbreviations xvi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 1
1.3 Conceptual Framework 2
1.4 Methods 3
1.5 Output and Outcome 4
1.6 Limitations of the Study 5
Chapter 2: Demographic Trends and Policy Responses 7
2.1 Population Ageing Trends among ASEAN Member States 7
2.2 International, Regional and National Blueprints on Ageing 14
2.2.1 International and Regional Blueprints 14
2.2.2 Related ASEAN Developments 17
2.2.3 National Policies and Programmes 22
2.3 Summary 37
Chapter 3: Old Age Poverty and Active Ageing in ASEAN 39
3.1 Poverty in Later Life 39
3.1.1 Concept and Measurements of Poverty 39
3.1.2 Old-age Poverty in AMS 43
3.1.3 Factors Influencing Poverty in Later Life 47
3.2 Active Ageing in ASEAN 65
3.2.1 Health Pillar 69
3.2.2 Security Pillar 83
3.2.3 Participation Pillar 85
3.2.4 Lifelong Learning Pillar 89
3.3 Other Related and Emerging Issues 91
3.4 Summary 92
Chapter 4: Discussion and Recommendations 95
4.1 Recommendations for Poverty Eradication and Promoting Active Ageing 95
4.1.1 Economic Determinants 96
4.1.2 Social Determinants 98
4.1.3 Personal Determinants 99
4.1.4 Behavioural Determinants 99
4.1.5 Health and Social Services 99
4.1.6 Physical Environment 101
4.2 Old Age Poverty, Active Ageing and the Regional Plan of Action for the
Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Ageing 102
4.2.1 Harnessing the Longevity Dividend for a Silver Economy 102
4.2.2 Opportunities for Regional Action and Cooperation 103
4.3 Cross-cutting Elements (Gender, Culture, Technology, Knowledge) 107
Chapter 5: Conclusion 109



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Old Age Poverty and Active Ageing in ASEAN: trends and opportunities

(아세안의 노령빈곤과 적극적 고령화: 동향과 기회)