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The European Union Finances Statement 2023 : statement on the implementation of the withdrawal agreement
(2023년 유럽연합 재정 보고서 : 영국의 EU 탈퇴 후 재정 정산)


Title page


Chapter 1. Introduction 5

Chapter 2. Payments in 2023 and Assurance Framework 7

Chapter 3. Outstanding liabilities under the Financial Settlement 16

Annex A. Technical annex of Forecast methodologies 22

Annex B. Cumulative Payments and Receipts 27

Table 2.A. Monthly payments of net liability under Article 148 9

Table 3.A. Financial Settlement Payment Breakdown 17

Table 3.B. Outstanding off-budget development contributions, as at 31 December 2023 20


Box 2.A. The UK's assurance framework over the Financial Settlement 14

Annex Tables

Table A.1. Comparison of original range to new HM Treasury point estimate 23

Table A.2. Comparison between HM Treasury's estimate and the OBR forecast 25

Table B.1. Cumulative Payments and Receipts made before and after 31st December 2023 27


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