로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

Gendered hate speech, data breach and state overreach : identifying the connections between gendered cyber harms to shape better policy responses
(젠더화된 혐오 발언, 데이터 유출 및 국가의 과도한 개입)


Title page


Summary 4

01. Introduction 6

02. Gender and international cybersecurity 9

03. Three kinds of gendered cyber harm 12

3.1. Hate speech 12

3.2. Data breach 15

3.3. State overreach 17

04. Cascading and compounding gendered cyber harms 19

4.1. Connections between mis/disinformation and data privacy around abortion and reproductive health 22

4.2. Cybersecurity risks to LGBTIQ+ communities 26

4.3. Misogynistic hate speech and discriminatory cybercrime prosecutions 29

05. Conclusion and recommendations 35

About the authors 40

Acknowledgments 41

Table 1. Gender, online freedom and cybersecurity indexes for selected countries 21

Figure 1. Cascading and compounding gendered cyber harms 20


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