로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
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School closures, teleworking, and remote schooling during the pandemic
(팬데믹 기간 동안의 학교 폐쇄, 재택근무, 원격 수업)


Title page


Abstract 2

I. Introduction 3

II. Data Description 6

III. Data Analysis 9

References 18

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Background Variables for People born in the years 1980 to 1984 from NLSY97 Round 19 and COVID-19 Supplement Interview 20

Table 2. Correlation Between Teleworkable Variable and Job Characteristics in Schooling Subsample 23

Table 3. Coefficients Estimates and Standard Errors, Probability of Telework at Least 10 Hours in the Week prior to the NLSY97 Covid-19 Supplement Interview, February-May 2021 24

Table 4. OLS Coefficients Estimates and Standard Errors, Probability of Remote Schooling in the Week prior to the NLSY97 Covid-19 Supplement Interview, February-May 2021 28

Table 5. Coefficients Estimates and Standard Errors, Probability of Telework at Least 10 Hours in the Week prior to the NLSY97 Covid-19 Supplement Interview, February-May 2021 30

Table 6. Coefficients Estimates and Standard Errors, Log Wage in Previous Round 19 Interview 32


#포스트코로나 # 원격근무 # 재택근무 # 원격수업 # 노동유연성 # 사회적불평등
