1 Introduction 1
2 Data 3
3 Publication Bias Evidence and Corrections 4
3.1 Graphical Evidence of Publication Bias 4
3.2 Structural Bias Correction: Andrews and Kasy (2019) 7
4 Predictors of Elasticity Heterogeneity 10
4.1 Motivation for Included Predictors 10
4.2 Documenting Heterogeneity Using Bayesian Model Averaging 11
5 Application: Sufficient Statistics for Optimal UI Benefits 14
6 Application: Micro vs Macro Elasticity 18
7 Conclusion 21
References 22
Appendix A Online Appendix – Supplemental Figures 27
Appendix B Online Appendix – Supplemental Tables 29
Appendix C Online Appendix – Data 43
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Disemployment Effects of Unemployment Insurance : A Meta-Analysis
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