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Closing the global north-south gap in the second space age
(제2의 우주 시대, 글로벌 남북 격차 해소하기)


vi About the Authors
vii Acronyms and Abbreviations
1 Executive Summary
1 Introduction
2 The Need to Redefine a Successful Space Program
4 The United Nations’ Attempted Space Altruism
7 Politics as a Barrier to Universal Access to Outer Space
9 Mechanisms for Differentiating Access in the Second Space Age
10 Applying Space-Based Technologies toward Development Goals
11 Crowded Space: Orbital Slot Squatters and Harmful Interferences
13 Conclusion
14 Works Cited


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Closing the global north-south gap in the second space age

(제2의 우주 시대, 글로벌 남북 격차 해소하기)