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  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

A climate loss and damage fund that works
(기후변화로 인한 손실과 피해 대응 기금)


Executive summary 4
 What is the problem? 4
 What should be done? 4
Introduction 5
The state of finance for Loss and Damage 7
Loss and Damage allocations: Who should get what and how much? 9
 Prioritisation 9
 Caps 10
How funds can be accessed 12
The case for concessional loans 14
Flexible funding approaches 15
Addressing non-economic losses 17
Fund mobilisation: Innovative sources of funding 18
 Private finance 18
 Philanthropic finance 19
 Market mechanisms 20
Recommendations 21
Glossary of acronyms 22
Acknowledgements 23
Notes 23


#기후변화 # 기후변화기금 # 기후재정 # 기후금융
